
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

A healthy diet leading up to a completely active teenage as well as a comfortable advanced age

Ubqari Magazine - October 2015

During the teenage years of our life there are two things relating to the food we eat that are very important. First is the quality and the second is the amount. Teenage years and maturity make up the most important period of our life in which we undergo some significant changes. Nine to eighteen years old males and females go through these changes and their effects. It is also during this time that the hormone levels in our body changes so that our body can take in energy more efficiently however this can also lead to problems sometimes example the apperance of black heads, pimples, moles etc and the change in your personality. That is why sometimes you feel very happy whereas at other times you become downright depressed. You also start giving more attention to your appearance and comparing it with other people. Hence, we become more conscious of the latest fashion and colors. We also indulge ourselves in reading different books and magazines. During this age the most necessary thing During the teenage years of our life there are two things relating to the food we eat that are very important. First is the quality and the second is the amount. Teenage years and maturity make up the most important period of our life in which we undergo some significant changes. Nine to eighteen years old males and females go through these changes and their effects. It is also during this time that the hormone levels in our body changes so that our body can take in energy more efficiently however this can also lead to problems sometimes example the appearance of black heads, pimples, moles etc and the change in your personality. That is why sometimes you feel very happy whereas at other times you become downright depressed. You also start giving more attention to your appearance and comparing it with other people. Hence, we become more conscious of the latest fashion and colors. We also indulge ourselves in reading different books and magazines. During this age the most necessary thing for you is a balanced diet. Whenever it is possible you must eat from a wide variety of food so that you can fight the effects of the hormonal changes in your body. Most teenagers have a diet that causes their parents to worry, like foods rich in sugar and calories, spicy food or ready-made or junk food is eaten with great pleasure by them. Teenagers experience an increase in appetite as they are more active and involved in more movement. An appropriate or balanced diet is considered best for a teenager. In this period of our life we undergo the most physical and mental growth that is evens more so than that when we were a child. We reach the completion of our maturity and physical growth during the teenage years which is the reason why we need to eat a lot more than usual. 
Females need 2100 to 2200 and males need 2800 calories daily. It can be said that during our teenage years we need as much energy as a extremely hard working person needs that is we require aboit 2500 to 3000 calories daily. Boys who play football need 4000 calories hence it is necessary for our growth to take care and follow the following diet:

Proteins provide us with energy. They include meat, fish, almond, walnut, pulses, milk, cheese, yogurt etc.

This includes both breakfast and sweet dishes. Sugar provides us with energy. It includes white sugar, sugar cane juice, honey, sweets, firny, kheir, pudding, khalwa as well as sugarcane and other sweet fruits, jam and jelly. Dry fruits include kishmish, date, anjeer etc.

Breakfast gives us energy and makes us active. Pulses, rice and different wheats make up a good breakfast. Vermicelle, flour, foods made of baisan, potato, taro root (arwi), and sweet potato etc can are also included in breakfast. Sometimes breakfast amd sweet dishes are taken as the same thing and include sweet rice, firny, kheir, pudding, khalwa etc.

For a good health, fibre is needed by our body especially in the teenagers as it helps in efficient digestion. Fibres also lower the cholesterol levels in our body as it absorbs the excess oil and prevents it from mixing in the blood. Vegetables, cheese, wheat, almond, walnut and fruits are foods rich in fibre. Experts advise people to daily eat three vegetables and two fruits along with bread made from flour that is not strained. Fruits like peach, orange, apple, banana and quince should be eaten.

Oily foods:
Our body requires oil hence oily foods are a necessity however they must be taken in a limited amount as a large amount may cause us to become fat and cause heart problems in the future. Oily foods include butter, cheese, milk, meat, some sauces and fried foods.

Vitamins are chemical substances which are needed in a appropriate amont in our diet as without them our health may be affected. As vitamins are present in a very less amount in our body it depends on our diet to provide us with more vitamins as to fulfill its requirement.

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